There are different types of eating disorders which can affect both male and females of different ethnicities, ages, etc. in many different ways. You may have already heard of some eating disorders such as Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating Disorder and Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID). These conditions can disrupt and harm our lives, but they can be managed and treated – read on to find out how.
Why Therapy For Eating Disorders Is Important
How Eating Disorders Can Affect You
Have you struggled with food issues, body image concerns, fear of weight gain, significant weight loss and other symptoms linked to your relationship with food and body?
It maybe that you first noticed this after you had experienced a traumatic incident or following difficult and stressful life events. These experiences can cause you to have a lack of appetite, loss of interest in food, restrict the amount of food you eat, over eat or engage in binge eating (eating large amounts of food in a short space of time whilst not feeling in control) and other changes in eating habits.
Eating disorders often cause us to worry about weight gain which can lead to trying to rid ourselves of food (purging), such as vomiting and use of laxatives, diuretics and slimming aids. Other common ways to attempt to control weight change may include over exercising.
Some of us may avoid certain foods we used to enjoy and no longer allow ourselves to eat them or feel very guilty when we do. When we struggle with food, weight and shape, we can also suffer with other conditions such as anxiety, OCD, depression or substance misuse, along with many more.
Do you find you no longer do things with friends such as eat out in restaurants for fear of being judged and not feeling comfortable when eating in public?. Many of us may start to eat in secret due to feelings of guilt and shame. It may be that you have developed food rituals and need to eat your meals in a certain way or follow certain rigid rules. This can lead to avoiding certain situations which require you to socialise and eat with other people. This change in behaviour can leave you feeling isolated from friends and family. Some of us find that our difficult relationship with food can have a negative impact on our relationship with others.
How Can We Treat Eating Disorders?
There are a number of treatments out there to help overcome eating difficulties and EMDR therapy is one great option. It is an effective treatment option, in that it can help process past memories which happened before the eating difficulties started and help to improve our relationship with food whilst managing anxiety around the changes being made.

For more information on how EMDR therapy can help, why not contact me via my Contact Page. I provide affordable, accessible mental health therapy in the North West and across the UK, and would be happy to help you with whatever you’re struggling with. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!